
Why music moves Us

By -Asha Tejaswini, Hanitha

          No matter how frigid a person you are, there is something powerful which stirs all your innermost feelings and, we call it music. Lullaby of a mother makes a baby fall asleep. Who taught the baby to respond to music prior to learning its mother tongue? Music is not a new stuff to be learnt .It is an intrinsic part of our lives. Music relaxes one from stress, rejoices mood, relieves from pain and suffering, motivates and gives courage. Baz Luhrmann says that A. R. Rahman’s music always possesses a profound sense of humanity and spirit, qualities that inspire him the most

Reckoning of Michael Jackson’s followers reveals how passionate people are about music. I didn’t find anyone till now who couldn’t tap their feet to rocking music.  Do you ever doubt why we do that??

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination
and life to everything.”  Says Plato

According to Shakespeare “music is the food of love”. Music is considered to be emotionally evocative. Irrespective of its language, music is rich in its emotional expressiveness hence rightly interpreted all the time. I always wondered what’s in it that I can’t get over it!!

According to a research it is said that listening to music causes the brain to release a chemical called dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for actuating pleasure in humans. The brain’s auditory cortex, an area dedicated to hearing, is known to process basic musical elements such as pitch and volume; the neighboring secondary auditory areas digest more complex musical patterns such as harmony and rhythm. The immense contentment we get while listening to music is what is fortifying the brain and keeps our heart palpitating as well. People with musical background read emotions better than others.world-music

People spend lots of money finding ways that relieve them from mental stress. If they ask me I would suggest, that music is a magical mantra that throws off mental sickness without charging them a penny .Science has proven that music kills pain. Many hospitals play restorative music to improve healing.

Music therapy fosters the immune system, improves intentness, controls pain, and brings prosperity.  We all know that music evokes memories. Silence in between two musical notes triggers brain cells fostering sharp memory. Our 21st century craves for creativity. Music also enhances creativity by activating brains center which is responsible for development of creativity. I can’t resist myself appreciating music after knowing what it actually is and I suppose it’s time for you now.